Check out our newest feature, USDR Bonds. USDR bonding is deployed here:.

01 Sep 2022, 19:27
Check out our newest feature, USDR Bonds! USDR bonding is deployed here: Bonds benefit users and our protocol, providing users with higher APYs in exchange for minting and locking capital which helps to drive growth and stability in the protocol’s liquidity. How it works: 1. Users choose their bonding period. 2. They bond with $DAI and receive $USDR at the bonding ROI, vested linearly by block. The bond APY replaces the native USDR APY during the bonding period. (Ex: A 10-day bond returns .3% which is equivalent to a 10.95% APY) 3. Once their vesting period is over their investment will continue to accrue the standard USDR APY provided that it’s been staked. 4. Users can bond new funds once their bond period has completed. We are launching with 10-day bonds at a 0.3% ROI rate. 30-day and 90-day bonds will be available in the coming weeks. 10% of the market cap of USDR is available per boding per day. This will reduce to 5% over the coming weeks as market cap grows. Mint your bonds now: