26 May 2022, 02:40
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 TANGIBLE REAL ESTATE INSIDER SIGN UP As a thank you to our community, we want to give all our followers the chance to join the Tangible Real Estate Insider community group. Be amongst the first to get details on the initial fractionalized property postings on Tangible. You’ll be in position to be one of our first fractionalized landlords. *Property fraction sizes are set by the buyer, however by joining this group you should be prepared to invest a minimum of $50.* Over time, we’ll likely build out more tiers within this group based on the amount of property owned with potential incentives to our larger holders. Sign-up here to get access to the Real Estate Insider Discord channel: