We're thrilled to announce the launch of The Foundation, our USDR advocate program.

18 Jul 2022, 17:16
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of The Foundation, our USDR advocate program. The purpose of The Foundation will be to organize a dedicated community of passionate product advocates to help us drive awareness and adoption of USDR. The assignment is simple: Help us make as much noise around the launch of USDR as possible and one by one, build and convert a community of loyal users. At times this will mean being on Twitter and engaging in conversation on USDR. Other times it may be working directly with the marketing team to build out an affiliate program, engage with KOLs/influencers who may be interested in promoting USDR, making memes/content or helping with an in-house PR campaign. Advocates will be compensated in locked $TNGBL allocations, distributed at the end of every month. The program is currently scheduled to run for a max of 6 months. Max base pay per advocate: $140,000 in locked $TNGBL tokens (projected value at the end of the lock period based on current market value.) The tokens are locked in a multiplying “position” that matures over four years. As they mature, the tokens multiply 14x from their current value. Some tokens will release early and within ~12 months, the initial locked value can be fully removed. The expectation is that you’ll spend a few hours/day working on USDR. You don’t need a huge following to be effective. Just hustle and the belief that growing this community and the adoption of USDR will significantly alter the outcome of the project and the trajectory of your life. To apply, visit this link: For more details: Thanks 🙏